LGB Elettropompe S.r.l. è is specialized on production of electric motor driven pumps and electric motors for:
- Electric pumps for commercial dish- and pot washers
- Electric pumps for sanitary equipment
- Fan motors for convection ovens
- Pump motors for coffee machinesè

Continous Improvement
All resources are stimulated continuously to improve performance and working methods as well as findings of solutions, to push on LGB-performance, innovation and customer satisfaction.
Creation of 3D-Models
Design of products is made exclusively with 3D-CAD systems, with in-house produced prototypes laboratory tests are made and / or samples are made available to customers avoiding long time waiting for serial production tools and equipments completion.
LGB Elettropompe
Is ISO 9001 certified.
All products are certified
from project phase up to realization.

LGB ELETTROPOMPE S.r.l. Via Romania 7 - 35127 Padova Italy
+39 049 6989310 Fax: +39 049 6989313 lgb@lgb-pumps.it
Piva/C.F. 02494540285 - Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Padova al nr. 02494540285
Cap. soc. i.v.: € 110.000,00
